In this blog post, we will explore two powerful marketing automation solutions offered by Adobe – Adobe Campaign Classic and Adobe Campaign Standard. Both platforms provide marketers with the tools they need to create, optimize, and automate their marketing campaigns. Whether you are new to Adobe Campaign or looking to switch between the two versions, this blog post will help you understand the key features and benefits of each platform. So, let’s dive in and discover how Adobe Campaign Classic and Adobe Campaign Standard can supercharge your marketing efforts.

Key Features and Capabilities

Let’s take a closer look at what each platform has to offer:

Adobe Campaign Classic:

  1. Comprehensive campaign management tools: With Adobe Campaign Classic, you get access to a wide range of tools that can help you Adobe Campaign Classic vs Standard plan, execute, and measure your marketing campaigns. From creating personalized content to managing customer data, this platform allows you to take full control of your campaigns.
  2. Advanced segmentation and targeting options: Adobe Campaign Classic provides advanced segmentation capabilities, allowing you to divide your audience into distinct groups based on demographics, behaviors, and preferences. This enables you to deliver targeted messages that resonate with each segment, increasing the effectiveness of your campaigns.
  3. Robust workflow automation capabilities: Automating repetitive tasks is crucial for efficient campaign management. Adobe Campaign Classic offers powerful workflow automation capabilities, allowing you to automate various marketing processes, such as sending personalized emails, nurturing leads, and tracking campaign performance.

Adobe Campaign Standard:

  1. Streamlined campaign management interface: Adobe Campaign Standard offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies campaign management. The platform provides intuitive tools and workflows, making it easier for marketers to create and execute their campaigns.
  2. Simplified segmentation and targeting options: While Adobe Campaign Standard may not offer the same level of advanced segmentation as its classic counterpart, it still provides simplified segmentation and targeting options. You can segment your audience based on basic demographics and behaviors, ensuring your messages reach the right people.
  3. Basic workflow automation capabilities: Adobe Campaign Standard offers basic workflow automation capabilities, allowing you to automate certain marketing tasks. While not as robust as Adobe Campaign Classic, these capabilities can still help streamline your campaign processes and save time.

III. Use Cases and Industries

Adobe Campaign Classic

  1. Enterprise-level organizations with complex marketing needs:

Adobe Campaign Classic is designed to cater to the marketing requirements of large-scale enterprises. It offers robust features and functionalities that can handle complex marketing campaigns, including personalized messaging, multi-channel management, and advanced automation capabilities.

  1. Industries such as retail, finance, and healthcare: 

Adobe Campaign Classic is well-suited for industries that require sophisticated marketing strategies. Retail companies can leverage its capabilities to deliver personalized offers and recommendations to their customers. Financial institutions can utilize its automation features for targeted communication and compliance management. Healthcare organizations can benefit from its ability to manage patient communication and engagement.

  1. Examples of successful implementations: 

Several notable companies have successfully implemented Adobe Campaign Classic to enhance their marketing efforts. For instance, a leading retail giant utilized the software to create personalized email campaigns, resulting in a significant increase in customer engagement and conversions.

Adobe Campaign Standard

  1. Small to mid-sized businesses with simpler marketing requirements: Adobe Campaign Standard is ideal for businesses that have relatively simpler marketing needs. It offers essential marketing automation capabilities while being user-friendly and easy to implement.
  2. Industries such as hospitality, education, and non-profit: Adobe Campaign Standard is well-suited for industries like hospitality, where personalized communication with guests is crucial. Educational institutions can utilize its features to automate enrollment processes and communicate with students effectively. Non-profit organizations can leverage the software to streamline their fundraising campaigns and donor management.

Examples of successful implementations:

Several small to mid-sized businesses have successfully implemented Adobe Campaign Standard to enhance their marketing efforts. For example, a boutique hotel utilized the software to automate their email marketing campaigns, resulting in increased bookings and customer satisfaction.

IV. Pricing and Licensing

Adobe Campaign Classic

Pricing structure and options: The pricing for Adobe Campaign Classic is tailored to the specific needs of each organization. It is typically based on factors such as the number of users, the volume of customer data, and the desired level of support.

Licensing considerations for different user types: Adobe Campaign Classic offers flexible licensing options to accommodate various user types. Organizations can choose from options such as named user licenses, CPU-based licenses, or concurrent user licenses, depending on their specific requirements.

Adobe Campaign Standard

  1. Pricing structure and options: Adobe Campaign Standard offers affordable pricing options that cater to the needs of small to mid-sized businesses. The pricing is typically based on factors such as the number of users and the desired level of support. Organizations can contact Adobe for detailed pricing information and customized quotes.
  2. Licensing considerations for different user types: Similar to Adobe Campaign Classic, Adobe Campaign Standard offers flexible licensing options to accommodate different user types. Organizations can choose from options such as named user licenses or concurrent user licenses, depending on their specific needs.

V.Pros and Cons

Adobe Campaign Classic and Adobe Campaign Standard are two powerful marketing automation platforms offered by Adobe. In this blog post, we will explore the pros and cons of each platform to help you make an informed decision about which one is the right fit for your business.VI. Pros and Cons

Adobe Campaign Classic


One of the major advantages of Adobe Campaign Classic is its robust feature set. It offers a wide range of tools and capabilities to help marketers streamline their campaign management and execution processes. With Adobe Campaign Classic, you can easily create and manage multi-channel campaigns, personalize content, and automate marketing workflows. The platform also provides comprehensive reporting and analytics, allowing you to track the performance of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

Another advantage of Adobe Campaign Classic is its flexibility and scalability. It can seamlessly integrate with other Adobe Experience Cloud solutions, such as Adobe Analytics and Adobe Target, as well as third-party systems, enabling you to create a unified marketing ecosystem. The platform also supports high-volume email delivery, making it suitable for businesses with large customer databases.


Despite its many advantages, Adobe Campaign Classic does have some limitations. One of the main limitations is the complexity of the platform. It requires a certain level of technical expertise to fully utilize its capabilities, which can be challenging for marketers without a strong technical background. Additionally, the implementation and customization process can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.

Another limitation of Adobe Campaign Classic is its user interface. Some users find the interface outdated and not as intuitive as other modern marketing automation platforms. While Adobe has made improvements over the years, there is still room for enhancement in terms of user experience.

Adobe Campaign Standard


Adobe Campaign Standard offers a simplified and user-friendly interface, making it easier for marketers to navigate and utilize the platform. It provides a drag-and-drop editor, which enables users to create visually appealing and engaging email campaigns without the need for coding knowledge. The platform also offers pre-built templates and workflows, allowing for quick and efficient campaign setup.

Another advantage of Adobe Campaign Standard is its seamless integration with other Adobe Experience Cloud solutions. It enables marketers to leverage the power of data and personalization by connecting with Adobe Analytics and Adobe Target. This integration provides a holistic view of customer interactions and helps deliver personalized experiences across channels.


Despite its user-friendly interface, Adobe Campaign Standard has some limitations to consider. One limitation is its lack of advanced features compared to Adobe Campaign Classic. While it offers essential functionalities for campaign management and execution, businesses with more complex marketing automation requirements may find the feature set limited.


Another limitation of Adobe Campaign Standard is its scalability. It may not be as suitable for businesses with high-volume email delivery needs or complex data integration requirements. However, Adobe continues to enhance the platform, and future updates may address these limitations.


In conclusion, both Adobe Campaign Classic and Standard offer powerful marketing automation solutions with their own unique features and capabilities. Adobe Campaign Classic provides robust customization options and advanced functionality, making it an ideal choice for enterprises with complex marketing needs. On the other hand, Adobe Campaign Standard offers a simplified user interface and seamless integration with other Adobe.