Peyronie’s disease and Erectile Dysfunction are the sexual issues that can have very devastating and inexorable impact on a man’s life. Erectile Dysfunction or ED is a medical condition which affects a man’s ability to have erection during sexual copulation. A lot of men suffer from this issue but feel shy to talk about it. There are a lot of reasons for such behaviours from men however. Usually, men don’t like to share their weaknesses or talk about things that harm their reputation. And Erectile Dysfunction is one such thing. A lot of men secretly suffer from this condition but never speak out due to a pusillanimous, fear of shame. But what they often fail to understand is that, ED can also have a negative impact on the relationship with their female partners. If a man is unable to have proper sexual intimacy with his partner, then this could create a dissatisfaction and ultimately cause problems in the relationship. Unfortunately, ED has become a lot more common in men nowadays.

Peyronie’s disease or PD is quite a bit different. PD is a condition which affects the shape of the penis. When a man suffers from PD, his penis gets curved or bent upon erected. This causes a lot of pain. Compared to ED, PD for men is not that common. Man men have slightly bent or curved penises. But if slight bend or curvature of the penis doesn’t hamper the sexual function of a man, then it’s no problem. Problem occurs when the curvature of the penis causes pain and problems have sex, when it’s erected and ultimately negatively affects a man’s sexual function. Then that curvature can be identified as the condition known as PD. Like ED, PD can also cause a lot of problems in the relationship between a man and his partner. This is why, it’s important to know what causes Erectile Dysfunction and Peyronie’s disease in men. It’s also equally important to know about the treatments of these illnesses.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction (ED):

Both physical and psychological factors can impact erectile function and ultimately cause ED in men. For effective treatment, it’s very important to know what caused this issue at the first place. If the potential cause is identified, then treating ED becomes a lot easier.

Physical and Psychological Factors:

  1. Cardiovascular Conditions: High blood pressure, atherosclerosis (artery hardening), and heart disease can all reduce blood flow to the penis, making it harder to get or maintain an erection.
  2. Diabetes: High blood sugar levels might harm the blood vessels and neurons involved in erections.
  3. Lifestyle Factors: Obesity, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and drug addiction are all risk factors for having ED. These bad habits can cause ED in men.
  4. Hormonal Imbalances: A lack of testosterone and other hormones can impair sexual performance.
  5. Neurological Conditions: Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s illness, and spinal cord injuries can all interfere with nerve impulses needed for erections.
  6. Medicines: Certain medicines, such as antidepressants, antihistamines, and blood pressure medicines, might cause ED.
  7. Stress and Anxiety: Excessive stress, anxiety, or depression can impair sexual arousal and performance.
  8. Relationship Problems: Difficulties in relationships, communication issues, or unsolved conflicts can all lead to ED.
  9. Performance Anxiety: The fear of not being able to satisfy a partner or perform sexually can result in either transient or persistent ED.

Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction (ED):

Possible Erectile Dysfunction treatment options can vary from person to person. One treatment which works for someone may not work for other patients. Some of the common treatment options for ED are given below:

  1. Oral Medications: Medications such as Viagra (sildenafil), Cialis (tadalafil), and Levitra (vardenafil) function by increasing blood flow to the penis. These features aids men in achieving and maintaining an erection. Depending on the underlying cause, other medications targeting specific conditions such as hormonal imbalances or underlying diseases may be prescribed.
  2. Vacuum Erection Devices: These devices create a vacuum that draws blood into the penis and this vacuum creates an erection in the process. A constriction ring is then placed at the base to maintain and keep the erection. Vacuum pumps for Erectile Dysfunction are very effective.
  3. Penile Implants: Surgical implants can provide a reliable, long-term solution for men who do not respond to other traditional treatments. Two main types of penile implants are known as inflatable implants and malleable (bendable) rods. It’s important to know that, implants can’t produce natural erections.
  4. Healthy Lifestyle: A good diet, regular exercise, and weight control can all help to enhance general cardiovascular health and sexual performance.
  5. Quitting Smoking: Quitting smoking can increase blood flow and lower the risk of ED in men.
  6. Limit Drinking Alcohol: Because excessive alcohol use might decrease sexual function, moderation is essential.
  7. Psychological Counselling: Counselling or therapy sessions can help address underlying psychological factors that contribute to ED, such as stress, anxiety, or relationship problems.
  8. Shockwave Therapy: Shockwave therapy for ED is a non-invasive treatment that improves blood flow to the penis by using low-intensity sound waves. This treatment is provided by applying low-intensity shockwaves to the penis, which encourages the creation of new blood vessels and enhances blood flow to the penis. This enhanced blood flow can contribute to better erections and sexual performance overall. Shockwave therapy for ED may assist to break down plaque accumulation in blood vessels, which can help beating Erectile Dysfunction in addition to boosting blood flow. The shockwaves can additionally trigger the release of growth factors, which can aid in the creation of new tissue in the penis.
  9. Other Non-Invasive Treatments: There are other modern non-invasive treatments available for ED, such as EMTT, Tesla Chair and NanoVi. All of these treatment options have the capability to aid in treating ED. But according to MansMatters, these treatments work best when given simultaneously. MansMatters is a London based men’s health clinic which specializes in the treatment of ED, PD and other sexual issues using non-invasive treatments like shockwave therapy, EMTT, Tesla Chair and the latest NanoVi exo.

Causes of Peyronie’s Disease:

Now let’s look at what causes PD in a man. Peyronie’s Disease is thought to be caused by a combination of genetic predisposition and penile trauma. The precise mechanisms underlying its development are unknown, however the disorder is distinguished by the creation of fibrous scar tissue, known as plaques, inside the penile tissue. This scarring causes erection curvature, discomfort, and other issues. Scar tissue can occur as a result of trauma to the penis, such as bending or stretching. Furthermore, hereditary factors and specific connective tissue illnesses may have a role in the progression of Peyronie’s Disease.

Treatment Options for Peyronie’s Disease:

Peyronie’s disease treatments aim to manage the symptoms caused by this issue and also fix the curvature of the penis. Some of the treatment options for PD are mentioned below:

  1. Penile Traction Therapy: This therapy involves the use of devices that apply gentle traction to the penis, promoting tissue remodeling and reducing curvature.
  2. Verapamil or Interferon Injections: These injections may help soften the scar tissue and improve symptoms.
  3. Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum (CCH): This injectable medication breaks down the scar tissue, reducing the curvature of the penis.
  4. Nesbit Procedure: This surgical procedure involves removing a small portion of tissue from the side of the penis opposite to the curvature, effectively straightening the erection.
  5. Grafting Procedures: In severe cases, a graft may be used to replace the scarred tissue, restoring normal penile function.
  6. Penile Prosthesis Implantation: For individuals with both Peyronie’s Disease and significant ED, penile prosthesis surgery may be recommended. This procedure involves the placement of inflatable devices that allow for controlled erections.
  7. Shockwave Therapy: Shockwave therapy for Peyronie’s disease has been shown to be a very effective treatment option, according to a lot of contemporary research. Shockwave therapy is non-invasive and this is why this treatment option is becoming so popular nowadays. This therapy is usually painless and has very little side effects. Shockwave therapy uses low intensity shockwaves to break the plaques in the curved penis. This causes blood to flow more comfortably in the penis.
  8. EMTT Therapy: EMTT therapy or extracorporeal magnetotransduction therapy uses high energy electromagnetic radiation. This therapy was specifically developed for the treatment of musculoskeletal illnesses, but in recent times this treatment option has shown a lot of promise in treating PD when used it conjunction with shockwave therapy.


So, what have we learnt so far? We have learnt that a variety of factors can cause Peyronie’s disease and ED in men, including physical and psychological factors. Hopefully this article can help men gain more knowledge regarding the potential causes of these issues. If men obtain more knowledge about the causes of ED and PD, then it should become easier for them to prevent these sexual illnesses. But what happens if these issues still can’t be prevented? The answer is simple. Seek medical help or Men’s Health Forum. There is no point in suffering alone. If you are suffering from ED or PD then you should talk freely about these issues with your partner. This will surely boost you mentally. Then time for some medical treatments. There are a wide range of ED and PD treatment options available, including medicines, injections, surgery, counselling and a variety of non-invasive procedures. Choose what’s best for you after discussing and evaluating your options with the doctor.